Advises from a volleyball player

Opinion and recommendations on physical activity in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity among young people aged 15-24.
When we bring up the subject of obesity we are not referring to a so-called aesthetic defect but one of the fastest growing diseases of civilization in the world, which is associated with serious health complications. In addition to the wide spectrum of exposure to various types of diseases, obesity has not only health but also social consequences. Metabolic disorders often simply prevent education as well as functioning in labor markets, through lower productivity or even absenteeism. As we know, the most important and effective role in preventing obesity is prevention and spreading awareness of a healthy lifestyle, which, in addition to proper eating habits, includes physical activity. Children educated in this area will not have health problems in the future. An important aspect is, of course, the attractiveness, diversity and affordability of the program. Therefore, open-mindedness, flexibility and innovation characterize our approach to spreading awareness among the public.
For obese people, two types of physical activity should be adopted: daily and planned. Daily, is any type of physical activity and adopting the principle that it is better to stand than sit, sit than lie down, walk than stand. Planned physical activity, on the other hand, should include:
- type of physical activity
- intensity
- duration
- frequency
These should be general conditioning exercises:
- Medium or low intensity level based on training heart rate
- engaging as many muscle groups as possible
- Cyclical training and getting to the point where you can do prolonged exercise without interruption
Some of the best activities for obese people include:
- fast march
- march
- cycling
- swimming and water exercises
- aareobik
- team games (volleyball)
- gymnastics , pilates, yoga
- dance
Of course, each person who wants to change his habits must get an individualized training plan. After first assessing the condition of the joints, the degree of obesity, previous activity experience, preferences and the ability to carry out selected types of sports, we can clearly prepare a training program. Exercises should be adapted in degree of difficulty to the patient and should be enjoyable. What is most important for the work to be successful? Good contact with the patient of the entire team treating the patient: doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, physiotherapist. Only a common goal and striving for it will result in greater determination and willingness to act, and thus cause long-term changes in the patient, that is, a change in the way of life that we all strive for.
Paulina Maj-Erwardt, Polish volleyball player, representative of the country. Participant in the 2006 and 2010 World Championships. Physical activity Expert within Polish working group of Younite project