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Training of Trainers in Poland

During the training for youth trainers and educators on how to support obese young people, the key role played the guidance on healthy lifestyles, including the need and importance for physical activity, bilansed nutrition, self-awareness and stress management.

Weight stigmatization in healthcare

The Vienna Programme for Women’s Health commissioned an evaluative literature review to find out whether and in what form stigmatisation and discrimination against overweight/obese women take place in the health sector.

The Hidden Link Between Adipositas and Mental Health

Obesity, often misunderstood as a result of willpower or laziness, is increasingly recog-nized as a chronic metabolic disorder with profound implications for mental health. Recent studies and real-world experiences shed light on the alarming connection between obesity and psychological well-being.

Inspired by experts

Partners got inspiration from meeting with a wide range of experts, including cooks, sport event organisers, doctors and medical workers, teachers, psychologists.